Worship - Divine Services
9:00am Divine Service - Sunday

- Sermon Audio and Text Files
- What is Lutheran Worship (PDF)
- Lectionary (propers of the day)
Holy Communion is celebrated every Sunday
- Fellowship in the Lord's Supper (PDF)
- What about the Sacrament of the Altar (PDF)
- Admission to the Lord's Supper (PDF)
Liturgical Glossary
Worship Topics
- What is Lutheran Worship (PDF)
- Divine Service Commentary
- Worshiping with Angels and Archangels (book)
- Gathered Guests
- Shopping for a Church
- Our Worship as Lutherans In the Pews
- Fellowship in the Lord's Supper (PDF)
- What about the Sacrament of the Altar (PDF)
- Admission to the Lord's Supper (PDF)
- Welcome to the Lord's Table (book)
- The Unchanging Feast: The Nature and Basis of Lutheran Worship (PDF)
- Chalice (Common Cup) vs Individual Cups (PDF)
- Blessings of Weekly Communion (book)
- Christian Questions with their Answers- for those intending to go to Holy Communion
Other Resources
- Altar Guild Manual (book)
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